Survey-Social-humbnail.pngDear investors,

We have several important projects in mind and are already working on a plan to improve the platform and enhance its usability for our investors' user experience. 
While the process is moving ahead, there is no chance that we could do it without your assistance. Your thoughts as our investor and member of the P2P lending community mean a lotand we are always eager to hear them. While part of you already are engaging in fruitful discussions with us, we would be glad to reach out to all our platform users and ask for your opinion about Bulkestate.

For that reason, we have come up with a short survey and invite you to express your thoughts about our platform to identify the most crucial areas and issues that the platform might have along with any additional features you would like to see here in future. Surely, we welcome positive feedback, too! 

The survey will be active till March 22. Take your time to fill it and let us remind you that there are no wrong or right answers. An honest opinion is what matters to us the most.

The survey is anonymous and will take about 5-10 minutes to complete.

The data will be used only in aggregate form and you can decline to answer any particular question you do not wish to answer.

If you are using a mobile device, we recommend to use this link for a mobile-friendly survey.

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