Igors Puntuss
Unlike many other real estate crowdfunding platforms, we consider ourselves a real estate company first, tech company second. We are actively involved in the projects on the platform and with our successful track record, Bulkestate has a growing pool of investors who continue to invest with us year after year.
"Our strategy is to keep focusing on undervalued distressed residential real estate, thoroughly selecting the projects with significant upside potential, suitable for a short investment cycle of 12-18 months and attractive returns for our investors."
Unser Team
Bulkestate is a team of real estate experts who follow the latest real estate trends. Our Real Estate Analyst with 10-year experience at the largest real estate agency and valuation company in the Baltic region allows us to carry out a first-hand quality valuation of properties and provide an in-depth analysis of the market. Head of Legal with 15-year experience has a lot of in-depth knowledge, helping to assure a smooth process of our deals at all stages. Real estate project managers cover property development projects, including managing renovation works, sales processes, communication with construction partners and potential buyers. Our in-house designer provides technical plans, redesign, and interior plans for real estate projects. The support staff combines the experience of different industries and ensures effective teamwork.
